R.I.P Jorno Keyboard

Jorno Keyboard は折り畳み式の Bluetooth キーボードだ。3段に折り畳めて収納サイズがコンパクトになること。折り畳みのギミックが格好よく、プレオーダーが始まった2010年の11月に購入を申し込んだ。この時点では、"We expect to ship your order in fall 2010.” であった。


Dear valued customer,
Thank you for your passionate and enthusiastic support for Jorno.  We have new information to share with you:
1) We are cancelling the launch of Jorno.  We have made the difficult decision to cancel Jorno. Despite overwhelming global interest, even from Fortune 500 retailers, we were unable to reach our funding goals necessary to complete the manufacturing of Jorno.   We are truly disappointed about this final outcome.
2) We are offering an alternative keyboard -- Nomad -- for sale today.  We are re-launching our business around this keyboard and additional innovative products.  Nomad is a thin, sleek keyboard designed for increased mobile productivity. (See www.nomadstore.net.)
If you had a pre-order for Jorno, you can have Nomad for the same pricing as your Jorno order OR $79, whichever is less. (Nomad retail is $99.)
3) Next steps. Please reply to this email and select one of 2 options – type the word “CONVERT” or “CANCEL” in the subject line.
        A) CONVERT my order to Nomad.
        B) CANCEL my order and refund my deposit (if you made a deposit at time of pre-order).
If you have your order number handy, please include that also.
Again, thank you for being a loyal and supportive customer.
Scott Starrett
CEO & Founder
Cervantes Mobile

結論は製造と出荷のキャンセル。問題は技術的な問題ではなく資金だったのか... Webサイトはその日のうちに消え、nomad keyboard のページに飛ぶようになってしまった。プレオーダー時に支払った $5 は返金されるとあるが、まだその手続きをしていない。まあ $5だしなあ。